• My Story.

    Aloha! I'm an island girl born on Oahu, Hawaii who became a California educator, and continued to dream of opening a business one day! I am passionate about designing, crafting, and creating "anykine" stuff that expresses anykine for you or anyone in your life!

  • Express Yourself.

    Express yourself with Shan's Expressions on custom design apparel and more! Shan's creations blend anykine lifestyle...from cultural roots, Hawaiian Vibes, Island life to Bay Area life, parenthood, teaching, and living Aloha always!

  • Vibe With Me?

    Take a look around and check out my collections... Shan's Expressions might be yours too! Share your photos of any of Shan's Expressions on Instagram and tag #shansexpressions for 20% off a future order!

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